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June 24, 2024

The Rise of Video Production with John Wilson

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Marketing vs The World Podcast - Unlocking the Power of Video Production

Ready to take your strategy up a notch with some killer video content? Then you’ve got to check out the latest episode of Marketing vs The World! I’m your host Abbie, and in this episode I sit down with John Wilson, the mastermind behind Honest Video and Xplnr, to chat about why video is a total game-changer for your marketing strategy. We also dive into the fun (and chaos) of balancing a booming business with the rollercoaster of parenthood.

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Can’t listen right now? No worries! Stick around for the juicy highlights from my chat with John.

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Video Marketing is Booming

John Wilson, the creative genius behind Honest Video, has seen the video landscape evolve big time. "Video has been on the rise for a while now," John shares. "With tech getting better and easier to use, more people are watching videos instead of reading long posts."

Thanks to powerful smartphones and lightning-fast internet, video content is the hottest marketing tool right now. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram have changed the game, making video the top choice for engaging content. "People are more likely to watch a quick video than read a long article," John explains.

Listen to the full episode below.

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Balancing Cost and Quality in Video Production

One big question for brands is the cost of making videos. John busts this myth wide open by explaining that video doesn’t have to cost a fortune. "Sure, big productions can be pricey, but there are plenty of budget-friendly ways to get started," he says.

Starting small with smartphone cameras or simple editing tools is a great way to dip your toes into video production. "You don't need a Hollywood budget to make great videos," John reassures. "It's all about finding the right balance between quality and cost."

Listen to the full episode below.

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Choosing the Right Platform for Your Videos

"Knowing where your audience hangs out is crucial," John advises. "Whether it’s social media, your website, or YouTube, tailor your content to each platform for the best results." Different platforms need different styles. For instance, LinkedIn is perfect for professional videos, while Instagram is great for short, snappy clips.

It’s also important to know your audience’s habits. "If your target crowd is mostly on Facebook, that’s where you should focus," John explains. This targeted approach ensures your videos reach the right people at the right time.

Listen to the full episode below.

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Repurposing Video Content

When it comes to repurposing video content, John suggests focusing on quality over quantity. "It's better to do one platform really well than spread yourself too thin," he says. Creating content specifically for each platform might seem like extra work, but it pays off.

John shares practical tips like using a long YouTube video and breaking it into shorter clips for Instagram or Facebook. This not only saves time but also gets the most out of your content.

Listen to the full episode below.

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Video Trends to Watch

John talks about the latest trends in video production, including the impact of AI and the shift towards longer-form content. "AI is transforming how we create and consume videos, leading to a rise in deeper, more engaging storytelling," he says.

AI tools are making production faster and more efficient, from scriptwriting to editing. "AI can streamline the entire process, boosting our creative capabilities," John explains.

Listen to the full episode below.

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The Parenting Juggle: A Dad's Perspective

Switching gears, John shares his experiences as a dad balancing parenthood with running a business. "Every child is different, and you have to find what works for your family," he says, reflecting on his journey with co-sleeping to manage his daughter’s sleep issues.

John’s honest discussion about juggling business and parenting offers a refreshing perspective. "It's all about finding a balance that works for you," he emphasises. His insights remind us that behind every professional is a personal story with its own challenges and triumphs.

Listen to the full episode below.

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Recognising and Managing Burnout

John also highlights the importance of recognising burnout and setting boundaries. "It's crucial to be strict with your time and know your non-negotiables," he advises. He shares his strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, like blocking out family time and setting clear work boundaries.

His approach to managing burnout includes prioritising tasks, delegating when needed, and making time for self-care. "You can't pour from an empty cup," he says. "Taking care of yourself is essential for taking care of your business and family."

Listen to the full episode below.

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Final Takeaways

To wrap up, John leaves us with some powerful advice: "Stay true to yourself. There’s a lot of noise out there, but focus on what’s right for you and trust your gut."

John’s insights give us a real-world look at the booming video production industry and the realities of balancing work with family life. Whether you’re just starting with video or juggling parenthood with a demanding career, his advice is gold.

Ready to dive into the full episode? Listen to the full episode using the links below.

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Connect With Us

If you would like to speak with John more about the importance of video marketing for your brand you can connect with him here and make sure you follow Honest Video too by clicking here.

And, if you’re looking to boost your website through killer copy and awesome SEO, drop Abbie a message here.

Next on Marketing vs The World

Stay tuned to Marketing vs The World for more insights from me, Abbie Dando, and my amazing guests as we explore the dynamic world of marketing and business. Next up is Michael Doroszuk, Senior Manager at Colgate Palmolive, discussing "What All Agencies Should Know About Working with Clients" – a must-listen for agency owners and marketing directors.

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This article has been created using various AI tools, which transcribe raw audio and transform the content into a blog post. This helps us ensure each Marketing vs The World episode is released as quickly as possible. Monday Clicks does not use AI for any client content creation.

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