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SEO Services

Increasing your website's traffic and online sales with savvy-SEO strategies

You’ve got the perfect product or service, but it's not meeting its full potential. Why? Our bet is that your customers can’t find you. There are trillions of live websites that work hard day in day out to get traffic through various marketing techniques. But, nothing beats organic search engine optimisation

Websites in the top 3 of Google searches get 54% of online customer traffic. That's half of all customers clicking on the top 3 brands. Using our SEO expertise we will create you a bespoke SEO strategy designed to meet your business' goals. Whether you want more organic traffic, more engagement, more sales, or all three, we have the skills to make it happen and get your brand to the top spot.

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SEO campaigns and services that enhance your customers’ experience

The most common issue with a brand's customer journey is that the dots are often not joined online. A customer may have read about your service in a magazine but can't find your business on the web, or your customer goes online to explore your product but ends up on a competitor's website because they appear at the top of Google instead of you. The list is endless. 

Our team specialises in is making sure your dots are joined using SEO, content, and website conversion techniques to create a seamless, effortless customer journey that generates loyalty, advocacy and sales.

SEO Packages

What our SEO service packages look like

Here's an outline of what your SEO strategy and activity might look like:

Friends we’ve made along the way

Working as an extension of your own internal marketing team, our SEO Agency becomes the digital marketing expert you can lean on to increase your website's traffic, make customers engage with your content, and turn your website into a profitable sales-driving machine. Here are just some of the brands we're working with.

Why Monday Clicks?

Benefits of hiring Monday Clicks

SEO Services FAQs

Search engines are often a consumer's starting point for finding goods and services online. And with 90% of searchers only checking the first page of results on Google to find what they are looking for, it's a no-brainer why SEO should play an invaluable part of your marketing strategy. If you don't invest in SEO then you can't expect your website to be found online. It also means you have to work ten times harder to push traffic to your website which can be very time consuming and not very effective as a stand-alone technique. 

Give our team of SEO specialists a call and we will give you a free 30-minute, no obligation, audit of your website. From here we can offer you tips on how to make your site become profitable - and then some.

The cost depends very much on what you are looking for, what your current keyword rankings are, who your target audience is, and how hands-on you want us to be. Get in touch for a free SEO Audit and consultation. Once your audit is complete, we’ll be able to see exactly what SEO budget you need to get you on the first page of search engines to increase your traffic, and ultimately sales.

In an ideal world we would work with you before your website is launched. This allows us to develop your keyword strategy, write your copy in line with your strategy, and adjust your URL slugs and meta data to ensure you get great SEO results instantly. 

However, in reality most websites are already live and SEO investment comes later down the line when businesses realise they need to do more to increase online sales. We are more than equipped to develop your SEO strategy for your existing site. It's never too late to start investing in SEO, so get in touch today and we can chat about how we can raise brand's your visibility online.

Get in touch to see how our SEO & Copywriting company can increase your website's traffic, customer engagement, and online sales.

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