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Lead Gen Content

Content assets that increase your leads database.

There's always pressure on marketing teams to provide leads to the sales team, and lead generation content is a proven and effective way to do this on an ongoing basis. Our team of lead generation content copywriters are here to transform your content marketing strategy by providing you white papers and assets that will increase engagement from your target audience, help you gain new customers and in turn boost your leads-list conversion rate.

Here at Monday Clicks, we offer a comprehensive range of lead generation content to enhance your marketing strategy, including white paper writing services, long-form content, authoritative reports, e-books, videos, audio and social media content. Whether you want potential buyers to click ‘download’, ‘get in touch’ or ‘buy now’, we have the generation tools and the marketing expertise to turn prospects into customers.

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Putting content and SEO at the forefront of lead generation.

Content marketing and SEO are two of the most effective ways to generate leads. Which is why our SEO and copywriting team work as one when it comes to lead generation. 

Once your lead generation content strategy is agreed, our expert writers start creating your marketing assets and our SEO team do their thing to ensure your assets can be found. 

Making sure your leads start rolling in requires a balance of pushing traffic to your content (via channels such as email and social media), and pulling in traffic to your content (via channels such as organic search and PPC).

How it works

Lead Gen copywriters and SEO experts working as one team.

We start all Lead Gen projects by understanding your buyer's journey, your buyer's interests and your buyer's pain points; constantly asking ourselves, how can we present ourselves as subject matter experts and add more value to your prospects day to day. From here our team develops a content strategy covering all white paper topics and marketing assets that will increase incoming leads.

Our team craft your copy and put in place an SEO campaign to ensure your assets can be found. If you'd like more support with the design and promotion of your content, then we can provide that too (including creating emails, social media posts, and PPC). Here are some of the steps we may take with your Lead Gen project.

Why Monday Clicks?

Benefits of hiring Monday Clicks

Some friends we’ve made along the way.

Working as an extension of your own internal marketing team, our SEO & Copywriting Agency becomes the digital marketing expert you can lean on to increase your website's traffic, make customers engage with your content, and turn your website into a profitable sales-driving machine. 

Here are just some of the brands we're working with.

Lead Generation Content FAQs.

Lead generation content is a marketing asset that's created specifically to drive business leads. This can be in the form of white papers, reports, ebooks, videos, blogs, social media posts, audio files and podcasts. It's common for these assets to be behind a 'gated wall' which requires the user to put in their contact details to access the information. These contact details then create a leads list i.e. lead generation.

Without a lead generation programme most businesses would not succeed. There are many types of lead generation, however using content as a lead-gen tool has proven to be successful in B2B businesses in most recent years. Since the effectiveness of 'cold calling' has reduced (due to consumers becoming more savvy and more reluctant to be sold to over the phone), 76% of marketers say they choose to use highly engaging content to generate leads in today's world.

As with anything, it's a case of trialling and testing to understand what type content proves to be the most successful with your target customers. Using our knowledge and expertise we recommend assets where you're guaranteed a return on investment. But to truly understand the level of leads that will come in, putting a variety of content out there and reporting on the results will enable your business (over time) to gauge trends and subjects that attract the most valuable prospects.

Get in touch to see how our SEO & Copywriting company can increase your website's traffic, customer engagement, and online sales.

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