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Website conversion

Turning your website's traffic into sales.

Is your website getting a decent amount of traffic but your sales aren't reflecting the figures? Getting people to your website is one thing, but turning visitors into customers is an entirely new ball game. If your website isn't converting, it's likely because your sales funnel isn't providing a good user journey, causing your target audience to leave your site before making a purchase. 

A good website conversion rate is between 1%-10%. If your business isn't seeing this return on investment, you need to invest in conversion rate optimisation services.

As a specialist conversion rate optimisation agency (CRO Agency), we here to help. Our team of CRO experts will identify any conversion issues and conversion opportunities, whilst helping you improve your user experience (UX), increase your conversion rate optimisation, decrease your bounce rate and ultimately turn your website into an effective leads-driving tool.

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Improving your UX across all devices, platforms and search engines.

Do you know how your website performs on different devices, channels and search engines? We start every conversion rate optimisation project with an in-depth online performance report on your Google Analytics. This will tell us what your customer experience and your sales funnel looks like and helps us identify the 'problem' areas where you could be losing sales.

With 88% of potential customers never returning to a website that had a poor user experience, you can't afford to be wasting your traffic efforts and not seeing a return.

CRO Packages

How our CRO packages work.

The first step is for our conversion rate experts to carry out an online performance report to analyse exactly what's happening throughout the customer journey, including how customers find you, how they arrive on your site, then how they navigate around your site and respond to any calls to action.

Once we understand your customer behaviour and current conversion rate, our experienced team can handle your entire conversion rate optimisation from there: implementation, design, content, testing, analysis and ongoing CRO management.

Here's a quick overview of the steps our conversion rate experts will take when managing your site's CRO.

Why Monday Clicks?

Benefits of hiring Monday Clicks

Some friends we’ve made along the way.

Working as an extension of your own internal marketing team, our SEO & Copywriting Agency becomes the digital marketing expert you can lean on to increase your website's traffic, make customers engage with your content, and turn your website into a profitable sales-driving machine. 

Here are just some of the brands we're working with.

CRO Services FAQs.

In a nutshell, conversion rate optimisation (otherwise known as CRO) is changing elements of your website in order to increase the amount of users on your site to take a desired action. Whether that may be to buy a product, get in touch or book an event.

Our agency however doesn't just look at the user journey on your website, we also look at how people find your website and what that experience looks like too.

A good level of website conversion is between 1% to 10%. Website's that have a 11% conversion rate are very profitable and have successfully developed their site to be a sales-driving machine. 

There are however fluctuations depending on industry and devices. For example an ecommerce site is likely to have a higher conversion rate than a B2B service-based site. When it comes to devices, desktops perform better with an average conversion rate of 4.14%, whereas smartphones have a conversion rate of 1.53%.

Take the number of sales you received in a set period i.e. across one-month or 12-months, divide that by your total number of website visitors in that period, and times that number by 100. For example, if your website received 1,000 hits in January and you got 10 sales, your conversion rate in January was 1% (10 / 1000 x 100 = 1).

Get in touch to see how our SEO & Copywriting company can increase your website's traffic, customer engagement, and online sales.

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