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September 16, 2024

Why Interviewing Stakeholders Before Writing is Crucial

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Founder + Director

The latest episode of Marketing vs The World is a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their content game! I'm Abbie, your host, and today I’m chatting with Rin Hamburgh, founder of RH&Co, about the power of interviewing stakeholders and experts before writing any content. Plus, we dive into what true success really looks like beyond flashy cars and big houses.

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Can’t tune in right now? No problem! Here are some key takeaways from our conversation with Rin.

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Meet Rin Hamburgh: Founder of RH&Co

Rin Hamburgh is the founder of RH&Co, a strategic brand copywriting agency that focuses on building brand authority through expert-led content. Rin’s journey began in journalism, where her passion for interviewing experts and uncovering valuable insights laid the foundation for the work she does today.

Click below to listen to the full episode.

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Why Interviewing Stakeholders and Experts is a Game-Changer

Rin Hamburgh, the brilliant mind behind RH&Co, shares why expert-led content is so impactful. "In today's world, people are bombarded with content," she explains. "Standing out means providing truly valuable and credible information, which you get by talking to the real experts."

With a background in journalism, Rin knows the importance of getting authentic insights straight from the source. "When I started, I had to find experts in libraries and universities," she recalls. "Now, with so many platforms, there are more experts to tap into, making our content richer and more reliable."

Curious about the benefits of expert-led content? Listen to the full episode below.

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Making the Most of Expert Insights

One of the hurdles Rin often encounters is the misconception that interviewing stakeholders is too time-consuming. "Sure, it might extend your lead times a bit," she admits, "but the payoff is huge. You get high-quality content that can be repurposed across various platforms, saving you time in the long run."

Rin emphasises the importance of planning and efficient interviewing. "Get everyone in a room for a few hours every quarter," she suggests. "Extract those golden nuggets of information and use them to create a wealth of content."

Want to streamline your content creation process with expert insights? Listen to the full podcast now.

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Balancing Volume and Quality

In the B2B space, where Rin’s agency often operates, having credible voices is crucial. "We work with clients to ensure their content reflects their expertise and builds trust," she explains. "It's not just about ticking SEO boxes; it's about creating meaningful connections."

Rin uses the example of a clothing brand, Fjallraven, which interviews polar explorers for their blog. "It creates a sense of community and authority by association," she says. "Even if you're not in a high-volume content business, leveraging expert opinions can set you apart."

Need tips on integrating expert content without sacrificing volume? Listen to the full episode now.

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Navigating AI and Authenticity

With AI-generated content on the rise, Rin sees both challenges and opportunities. "AI can create content quickly, but it often lacks the depth and authenticity that human experts provide," she points out. "Our job is to cut through the noise with genuine, well-researched content."

Rin is cautious but open to AI. "We need to stay informed and ready to adopt new technologies," she says. "But we also have to consider the ethical implications and maintain our standards of quality."

Curious about the future of AI in content creation? Listen to the full episode now.

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Redefining Success Beyond the Business

Switching gears, Rin and I discuss what true success looks like. For Rin, it's not about flashy cars or big houses. "Success for me is about time and experiences," she shares. "I want to spend time with my kids, travel, and live adventurously."

Rin is preparing for a year-long trip around Europe in a camper van with her family. "It's about slowing down and enjoying life," she says. "Teaching my kids that success doesn't have to fit the conventional mould."

Inspired by Rin's take on success? Listen to the full episode below.

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Final Takeaways

To wrap up, Rin leaves us with some powerful advice: "Use your common sense, but also question the status quo. Think about what truly matters to you and don’t let societal norms dictate your path."

Rin’s insights offer a refreshing perspective on creating impactful content and living a fulfilling life. Whether you're a content creator or someone seeking balance in your career and personal life, her advice is invaluable.

Ready to listen to the full episode?

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Connect with Us

If you would like to connect with Rin Hamburgh and learn more about RH&Co, you can reach out to her here. Don’t forget to follow RH&Co for more updates and insights.

And, if you’re looking to boost your website through killer copy and awesome SEO, drop Abbie a message here.

Next on Marketing vs The World

Stay tuned to Marketing vs The World for more insightful conversations with industry leaders. Next up is Oliver Thomas talking about how Nomad Foods is aiming to serve the world with better (frozen) food.

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This article has been created using various AI tools, which transcribe raw audio and transform the content into a blog post. This helps us ensure each Marketing vs The World episode is released as quickly as possible. Monday Clicks does not use AI for any client marketing.

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