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May 2, 2024

How to Write Killer SEO Product Descriptions

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Discover the importance of SEO product descriptions and how they will help increase sales and revenue for your ecommerce business.

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How to Write Killer SEO Product Descriptions and Supercharge Your Ecommerce Sales

Neglecting SEO product descriptions is something I see all too often, especially on ecommerce sites.

It’s easy to just focus on the ‘glitzy’ side of a sales page. For example, the product title, and nailing the photography. But did you think about how your product description will fare in search engine rankings?

I see business owners or ecommerce managers completely ignoring product descriptions in their SEO efforts all the time. And this is a huge mistake.

In the competitive world of online shopping, SEO friendly product descriptions are the unsung heroes of ecommerce success, silently working behind the scenes to attract potential customers, influence purchase decisions, boost sales, and improve your website's overall organic search ranking.

And, the best bit? Implementing SEO product descriptions across your website doesn’t need to be difficult. There are agencies (like us!) that specialise in this niche area of SEO and have the process perfected.

What are SEO product descriptions?

When you click on a product page, an SEO product description is a simple text description, found somewhere on that page.

Think of SEO product descriptions as compelling sales pitches with lots of long tail keywords, cleverly disguised as informative text. They are detailed descriptions of your products, infused with target keywords and phrases that search engines love, while also providing valuable information to potential buyers.

In essence, they answer two crucial questions…

Question one, from your customer: "Why should I buy this product?"

Question two, from a search engine: “Should this page rank for this specific term?”

Along with a well written meta description, having a high-quality SEO product description on your product page helps with both of these queries. It helps your page rank, increasing discoverability and reducing bounce rates, but it also helps convert visitors into customers, once they arrive.

But I’ll discuss these benefits in much more detail below.

The Importance of SEO Product Descriptions

Let’s delve a little deeper into why SEO product descriptions are crucial to ecommerce sites, and why they’re something you need to be paying close attention to.

1. It gives you a crucial SEO boost

Placing well-optimised SEO product descriptions with carefully chosen relevant keywords on your site can help your product pages rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This means more potential customers discover your products when they search for related terms, and it can really help increase website traffic, brand awareness and customer engagement.

SEO product descriptions can also be placed on your website’s category pages too (they’re not just limited to individual product pages). For example, if your ecommerce site sells a variety of a type of product, like ‘Brown leather ankle boots’, creating an SEO description for the category page can be just as helpful for SEO purposes too.

2. It’s all about conversion

Effective product descriptions go beyond just keywords. You need compelling product descriptions that paint a vivid picture of the product benefits, addressing customer pain points and highlighting unique product features. Using persuasive language helps entice prospective customers and increases the chances of them clicking "add to cart."

Well-written product descriptions with keywords also ensure your product pages are ranking for the right search terms. For example, if we’re selling a ‘red cashmere rollneck sweater’ these are all important keywords to include in the description, because the product being searched for is very precise, and we want to ensure that this product appears at the top of SERPs.

By ensuring you have accurate and descriptive SEO product descriptions, you help each visitor to the site find what they’re looking for, and (as a result) convert visitors in to actual customers.

3. Improved User Experience

Clear and informative SEO product descriptions empower customers to make informed purchasing decisions, and an empowered customer is a happy customer.

Having informative descriptions on your site means they don't need to scour the internet for additional details, leading to a more positive and efficient customer experience.

How Long Does an Effective SEO Product Description Need to Be?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. It absolutely depends on the product's complexity and the information needed to showcase its key features.

For example, a simple item of clothing, like a t-shirt, may only require a product description of 100-200 words.

However, a complex product like a camera or piece of technology may warrant more detailed information. In this case, I’d recommend 300-500 words.

Generally, it’s good to aim for a sweet spot between providing enough of the key details and keeping it concise and engaging. Generally, 150-300 words is a good starting point.

Tip: If you’re still unsure, think about the following things:

The price of the product: The more expensive a product is, the longer your SEO product description can be. If people are spending a lot of money, more descriptive text can help them commit to purchase.

The importance of the product: Is the product being used for something specialist or important? If so, you can probably aim for a longer-length description. For example, Baby Monitors are hugely important products, and more information can help customers make a more informed decision.

The competitiveness of the product: Oftentimes, if a product is very niche, it requires less assistance in ranking on SERPS. So on these occasions, you may be able to get away with less descriptive copy.

How Do You Optimise a Product Description?

1. Keyword Research

The first step is knowing which keywords to focus on in your SEO product description. Key to this is understanding the terms your target audience uses to search for similar products and utilising keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to find relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition.

2. Keyword Integration

When writing, you want to naturally weave your target keywords into the description, but avoid keyword stuffing. Focus on organic integration that reads naturally and doesn't compromise user experience.

3. Feature & Benefit Focus

Don't just list features; explain how they benefit the customer. Think about your buyer personas and highlight how the product solves their problems or improves their lives. Or (as another example) if you’re describing clothing, you could talk about the fabric, the feel and the vibe of a certain look.

4. Compelling Copywriting

Write engaging and persuasive copy that speaks to your target audience's needs and desires. Use strong verbs, sensory language, and emotional triggers to capture their attention and pique their interest. If you can capture the reader's imagination, you’ve done well!

5. Call to Action

Don't leave customers guessing what to do next. Include a clear call to action, like "Add to Cart" or "Learn More," to guide them towards the next step in their purchase journey. Telling the customer what to do next will really help your conversion rates!

How Do I ‘SEO’ My Product?

Of course, search engine optimisation for product descriptions is just one piece of the puzzle. There is so much more to ranking well online, and so much more you can do to help your site succeed using SEO. 

If you’re starting out, and asking yourself, “how do I SEO optimise my product?” then I urge you to consider these additional strategies alongside your website product descriptions: 

High-quality product images: Showcase your products from multiple angles and in different settings. 

Product Details: Each product needs it's own detailed description - no duplicate content! 

Add alt-text to images: It gives a more accessible browsing experience. 

Choose a keyword-focused URL: Again, this helps customers (and SERPS) understand what the product is. 

Mobile-friendly design: Ensure your website and product pages are optimised for mobile devices. 

Internal linking: Link to relevant product categories and blog posts to improve navigation and SEO. 

Customer reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials to build trust and credibility.

Some Useful SEO Product Description Examples

If you’ve landed on this blog post, I know you might be searching for some examples of SEO friendly product descriptions too. Sometimes it can be incredibly helpful to see exactly how something looks and reads.

I’ve included some fictional examples below (I’ve just made these products up, they don’t actually exist!), but hopefully, these examples of product descriptions for ecommerce products should still be really helpful.

1. Sustainable Yoga Mat:

Keywords: sustainable yoga mat, ethical yoga mat

SEO product description example: Crafted from recycled materials, and made locally in the UK, our sustainable yoga mat offers superior grip and support. So now you can practice your yoga skills with confidence and comfort, while also minimizing your environmental impact on the world. This mat is an upgraded version of our original (and much loved) Version One, and we know you’re going to adore the upgraded features and innovative design. What makes our sustainable yoga mat stand out from the rest? Well, the patented textured surface provides stability in any pose, while our unique cushioning protects your joints too. There is also innovative sweat-wicking technology that keeps you cool and dry, all through your class. Even hot yoga classes! This ethical yoga mat is also machine washable, folds up easily, and comes in a variety of vibrant colours to match your style. So no matter which gym set you’ve decided to wear, our sustainable yoga mat will look perfect alongside it. Namaste to a greener, more mindful yoga practice! Click below to buy our incredible ethical yoga mat, and make the best investment for your yoga journey.

2. Advanced Anti-Ageing Serum

Keywords: anti-ageing serum, lightweight anti-ageing cream

SEO product description example: Rewind the clock and discover our new ageless radiance anti-ageing serum, a new product we think you will absolutely adore. Experience the transformative power of science and nature with our revolutionary anti-ageing serum. This potent blend of clinically proven ingredients targets multiple signs of ageing, leaving your skin visibly firmer, smoother, and more radiant. Hyaluronic acid is one of the key ingredients for this lightweight anti-ageing cream, as it deeply hydrates, and gives you that ‘skincare glow’. The formula also plumps fine lines and wrinkles, while powerful antioxidants combat free radicals and environmental damage. You’ll also find amazing collagen peptides in this anti-ageing serum, to boost elasticity and firmness, revealing a more youthful, lifted appearance. Enjoy a luxurious, lightweight texture that absorbs quickly, leaving a non-greasy, velvety finish, and witness the visible results and rediscover your ageless confidence. Buy this unique lightweight anti-ageing cream now, and discover confidence in your skin you’ve never experienced before.

3. Mens T-Shirt

Keywords: classic men’s white t-shirt, men’s white t-shirt, luxury white t-shirt

Elevate your everyday wardrobe with our luxurious classic men’s white t-shirt. Crafted from premium, 100% cotton, our classic white t-shirt is more than just a basic essential; it's a timeless statement piece. Our luxurious fabric has been handpicked for its durability and beautiful texture and boasts exceptional softness and breathability. This isn’t any ordinary men’s white t-shirt, it’s a luxury white t-shirt that ensures unparalleled comfort throughout the day, and night. Expertly tailored for a flattering, relaxed fit, it drapes beautifully on any body type, exuding effortless sophistication. Whether worn alone or layered under a blazer, this luxury white t-shirt is a versatile piece that seamlessly transitions from casual outings to dressier occasions. Invest in quality that transcends trends, and discover the enduring appeal of the classic men’s white t-shirt.

Seasonal Launch Success: Musto

Now let’s look at a real-life case study of how our SEO product descriptions helped ensure a successful new season product launch for an e-commerce client of ours.

Musto, a leading Sailing brand, approached us as they needed over 100 SEO product descriptions for their new seasonal product line, and they needed them fast. They knew they could lean on our reliable and hard-working copywriters to produce technical product copy in a short timeframe.

And they were right! Within less than 2 weeks, our team of SEO product description experts created unique, high-quality, keyword-optimised descriptions for every new product in the launch.

The results? A hugely successful season launch, with over 100,000 product views and increased visibility in search engine rankings!

Want to dive deeper into how we helped Musto achieve these results? Check out the full case study here.

Got more questions?

Monday Clicks is one of the leading UK agencies providing strong, actionable SEO strategies that revolve around copy and content.

We craft compelling, keyword-rich copy that boosts traffic and conversions for brands like yours, and SEO product descriptions make up a large part of this.

So, if you're looking to supercharge your ecommerce sales, get in touch and see how we can help you achieve amazing results.

Get in touch to see how our SEO & Copywriting company can increase your website's traffic, customer engagement, and online sales.

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