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November 1, 2022

Increase your web traffic in just one week with these 6 marketing tactics

Table of Contents

Any great marketing strategy will include increasing web traffic as a way to gain more customers. But, as marketers will know, it's much easier said than done!

Increasing organic web traffic largely comes down to how good a website's search engine optimisation, or SEO, is. This is how well search engines like Google, Bing, and others can access and crawl content, choosing to then share it in results pages.

With the digital landscape continually changing and algorithms updating, it can be a full-time job simply staying up to date with the latest marketing tactics that ensure your website gets the visibility online it needs. 

But, don’t despair — if the marketing team doesn’t have the capacity or the time to focus on website optimisation, there are some other options to help improve website traffic too.

As the world of online marketing can feel very fast-paced and sometimes a minefield, we’ve got six simple top tactics to try that will help increase web traffic in just one week!

Increase your web traffic with these 6 tactics
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1. Start with keyword research

When it comes to improving the visibility of a website and, in turn, the organic traffic, it’s important to start at the very beginning -  keyword research. 

Keyword research is an integral part of increasing web traffic as it reveals the phrases and words your target customers are searching for, allowing marketers to in turn focus on these key terms throughout the content on their website.

It's vital that every digital strategy knows what keywords to target (we call this a keyword strategy) as this then allows search engine crawlers to spot, crawl and index your content, and hopefully share in search results pages, increasing your chances of users clicking through to your site. 

There are a couple of ways to approach keyword research; either learning to use keyword tools such as Ahrefs or SEMrush or partnering with a reputable SEO Agency (hint, hint, nudge, nudge) that can do the leg work for you.

If your marketing team is confident using Google Analytics and Search Console, there are some good suggestions for the phrases people searched to find your website there. This can help spot the terms that certain pages, like the home page, rank for as well as improve any landing pages that are ranking for terms that aren’t as relevant.

The other helpful place to spot keyword phrases that doesn't require an expensive subscription is the ‘people also ask’ section on Google results pages. This is a quick and easy insight into the types of questions customers ask often, and make for great blog sub-headers too, which leads us to our second top tactic…

2. Get blogging

According to the marketing tool Wordstream, businesses that blog get 55% more web traffic compared to those that don’t. That’s a rather impressive stat and is a great incentive for businesses looking to outperform their competitors.

From B2B consultancies to fun B2C consumer brands, every company should be blogging and sharing insights, information, and expert insights about their industry. Consumers spend a lot of time online researching and exploring their options before committing to a brand.

In fact, 93% of all online experiences start with search engines, and if a blog helps answer those questions, it’s much more likely to be crawled and selected in the results pages. 

Blogging also helps strengthen brand awareness whilst increasing the exposure a website gains in general in search results. The more content that a website publishes, the more its website will appear.

Stuck for topics to blog about? This is where keyword research comes in handy again. 

Try covering some of the key topics your customers are searching for as it will ensure the blog is relevant to your audience, increasing visits to your website.

Brands that get this right are those that write about something that is current and relevant, particularly those looking to gain more traffic in 7 days. Writing an opinion piece on a trending marketing topic is a surefire way to gain extra traffic, even if it’s for a short period.

Staying consistent with blogs is also important for brands looking to improve their website traffic. Data has shown that websites that blog 2-3 times a week increase their traffic by more than double. 

The more fresh and relevant content is published on a website the more it gets refreshed for search crawlers too which will also help increase traffic to a website. Result!

More web traffic from blogs
Of all online searches start with Google
Blogs you need every month

3. Enhance your existing landing pages

If you didn't have a keyword strategy nailed down when you first launched your site, then we bet there's a huge opportunity to improve your existing landing pages by optimising the content and customer experience. 

Once you've decided what keyword to assign to each of your landing pages, incorporate that keyword (and other similar keywords) into your headers, subheaders, meta data, URL slug, and body copy. Not only will each of these elements improve the visibility of the page, but it will confirm to your customers that the page they've landed on matches what they were looking for (this is called 'intent' in the SEO world).

Taking note of what copy you use in your headers, subheaders, meta data and URL slugs is a crucial part of optimising web pages as these are what search engine crawlers look at first (your customers will be taking note of these without them even realising too). Therefore, if your keywords are not present within these elements, we bet crawlers and customers scuttle straight past your site.

The User Experience (or UX) that you give each customer is also something you should always be looking to test and improve. 

Here are the top things to check to make sure you're giving the best UX:

  1. Your site speed - is it fast enough? If no, it's likely customers aren't hanging around to wait for your site to load.
  2. Mobile optimisation - does your site look good on mobile? Digital-first is a real thing, therefore making sure your site looks top notch on mobile is absolutely essential to making customers stick around.
  3. Navigation in 3 clicks - can your customers find what they need in just 3 clicks? If no, then you need to fix this. Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and customers want everything NOW!
  4. Contact details - how easy is it for customers to get in touch with you? Make sure your contact button is visible in the top fold on every page and you offer an email address and a telephone number. 

Today is not about 'Get the traffic' - it's about 'Get the targeted and relevant traffic'.
Adam Audette
Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG

4. Commit to social media

Another way to improve traffic to a website quickly is to promote your content on social media channels. Whether it’s an engaging video, a competition, or images from a recent event, audiences love seeing posts from the brands they engage with— even if they’re B2B.

Adding your website URL to all of your social profiles is another quick win for those looking to increase traffic.

For brands who don’t post regularly, sharing new blogs or updated landing pages is a good place to start. It’s more than likely potential customers haven’t yet found your new blog or content yet, so sharing it on their social feed is much more likely to reach them.

As well as increasing traffic to a website, creating a general presence on social media is essential for a few other reasons: it helps boost brand awareness, allows you to nurture your online community and builds your business as an expert in its field. 

One question we always get asked is, "Should we invest in social media advertising?"

Advertising and PPC are certainly ways to generate traffic and fast. However, in our experience, this can also start increasing your bounce rate i.e. users with a low intent click on the ad, go to your site, and then click away.

While we are big advocates of the holistic digital marketing approach, and therefore do recommend paid digital activity, we ask you to approach this area with caution and with a set budget in mind. Paid-for activity can be expensive and generate very low value results if not managed correctly. Therefore, working with a paid-activity specialist or consultant is essential.

5. Explore email marketing

Email marketing, such as sending an email newsletter with enticing news, offers, and other information, is an effective way to drive people to a website. 

Most businesses have a customer contact list for people who are either existing customers or have shared their details with them previously, therefore keeping your brand at top of mind with these people continues to engage with them and encourages them to visit you again.

The best kind of content to share with these contacts is product news, blog content, updated landing pages, or offers and discounts

A regular newsletter is effective at funnelling customers directly through to your website and entices them to look around while they're there.

In fact, 41.5% of brands say that email marketing is very critical to business success. So, if your business hasn't launched an email marketing strategy yet, we'd say it's time to consider whether you're missing out or not.

Knowing when to send emails is a tricky one. We highly recommend that you test a variety of days and times, and then measure the open rates to determine when your customers like to hear from you best. Globally, emails sent on a Friday receive the highest open rates (19%) and the lowest open rate is on a Saturday (17%). However, these are generic stats. Test what works for your customers to make sure you're giving them exactly what they want.

6. Business listings

Business listings are another solid marketing tactic for gaining web traffic, fast. Think Yell, Google My Business and even review-style sites like TripAdvisor or Trustpilot (if appropriate) as they all allow businesses to set up profiles and include their websites there.

Business listings are great for local presence online, known as local SEO, as Google will typically show results based on the geolocation of the search. This means listing on listing sites and making sure the website and contact information fields are filled. 

Setting up a Google My Business profile is another key feature for local SEO and for businesses that have a physical location as Google will list it within the maps in results.

Any reputable third-party site that allows you to share a website URL is another opportunity to increase web traffic as it builds a backlink to your website from a trusted source. This helps towards overall SEO efforts for your website, as one of the many ranking factors Google looks for is the quality of backlinks a website has directing to and from it.

Don't be afraid to experiment

There are of course lots of other ways to increase web traffic quickly such as podcasts, attending networking events, printed posters with QR codes and speaking in online forums. However, as with any marketing strategy, the key is finding the marketing channels that your audience responds to best and focusing on strengthening those. 

At Monday Clicks we take a 'testing methodology' approach. It's about trial and error to find the secret marketing-channel-recipe for success. So, if you don't instantly see a traffic uplift from one marketing activity, experiment with another.

Want a free 30-minute consultation to help with your website's traffic? Email hello@mondayclicks.co.uk or call 07477987943.

Get in touch to see how our SEO & Copywriting company can increase your website's traffic, customer engagement, and online sales.

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