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August 22, 2023

Unravelling Google's Search Generative Experience: A New Era for SEO

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advances in technology. One development that's generating a lot of buzz in the industry is Google's Search Generative Experience

This new approach to search promises to "revolutionise the way we understand and practice SEO, by creating a more intuitive, user-centric search experience", says Google.

But what exactly does that mean and how will it impact the world of SEO?

Let's delve deeper.

What is googles search generative experience
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What is Google's Search Generative Experience?

In the simplest of terms, Google's Search Generative Experience is a cutting-edge technology that aims to make search results more relevant, personalised, and user-friendly. This new approach uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and predict user search patterns, and therefore generate a more tailored/bespoke search experience.

Rather than relying solely on keywords and the content within your meta titles, descriptions and headers etc., Google's new SGE technology will employ a more holistic approach. It will considers the context, the intent behind a search and the user's search history to provide the most relevant and accurate results.

It's a significant shift from the traditional keyword-centric approach and moves towards a more user-centric SEO strategy.

The Impact on SEO: Should you be worried about your rankings?

In all honesty, as an agency we're not too worried about Google's SGE because of the way we approach SEO. We have always put the customer first, focusing on intent and user journey.

However, for marketers who are not specialised in organic search and have relied on their website's authority or strong brand presence to bring in traffic, now's the time to really consider your search strategy and start improving your content output.

The top main factors to consider are...

User intent will need to be prioritised

Understanding user intent will become paramount. Your SEO strategy will need to focus on providing content that aligns with your user's intent rather than just matching keywords. This means creating quality content that effectively answers user queries and provides real value - not just generic answers. Basically, be mindful of this when using AI content tools that churn out the same kind of text again and again. Invest in bespoke, quality content and you'll come out on top.

Importance of context

In the era of Google's Search Generative Experience, context becomes king. You must ensure your content is designed and framed in a way that aligns with the context in which the user is searching. This could involve adapting your tone, language, or content based on your user's location, search history, and preferences.

Emphasis on personalisation

Personalisation will play a more prominent role in SEO. You will need to tailor your content and strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target audience. This involves understanding and leveraging user data to deliver a more personalised and engaging search experience. Forget marketing to a wide audience - focus on audience segments and give them what they want!

Of US searches now show SGE results.
Of SGE results are shown for apparel & fashion searches.
Of SGE sources rank in the top 10.

When will Google's SGE launch in the UK?

As of now, Google has not yet made a formal announcement regarding the exact launch date of its Search Generative Experience in the UK. However, the new format is currently being tested in the US, India, and Japan.

That said, the UK SEO community believes that some users will start to see the new roll out between January and March 2024 - so watch this space!

"Right now, we don’t know if we’ll be able to tell which visitors came from a click from an AI generated response vs a regular 10 blue links click."
Dave Peiris
SEO Expert at Propellernet

What will SEO's have to do differently when SGE launches?

As with all new updates from Google, SEO professionals will have to adapt and approach their strategies differently to ensure rankings and web traffic are not affected.

Traditional organic search methods won't cut it on their own when SGE is live. Whilst SEOs are still learning the exact methods that will get results, what we do know is that:

Say goodbye to a widespread customer approach

Because Google is going to become more clever at sharing the right information with users, it means creating content for generic large search volume keywords won't cut it anymore.

SEO professionals will have to delve deeper into understanding user intent and will need to create content that fulfills the user's needs and answers their queries accurately - not generically.

A continued focus on quality content

Quality content will be the cornerstone of SEO strategies. With SGE, Google aims to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality content. Therefore, SEO professionals will need to focus more on creating and optimising top-quality content that provides value to users.

This does mean that AI content rolled out without a human-touch won't stick. Bespoke, authentic content that is created with a very specific customer in mind is how brands will stand out and be rewarded.

The right backlinks will hold more value

For some time now we've been saying that the backlink industry has become unethical and inauthentic. There's a huge industry out there selling links on websites that have been built to make money from links!

However, the real value is in links from reputable websites that hold authority in their field. Hence the rise in digital PR.

So, if your business relies on buying links from websites, it's time to rethink your strategy and start investing in more PR activity to gain better rankings, and therefore an improved brand awareness and web traffic.

Conclusion: Embrace the Change

Google's Search Generative Experience represents a monumental shift in the world of SEO. While it may seem daunting to adapt to these changes, it also offers an exciting opportunity to create a more engaging, user-centric search experience.

To navigate this new landscape successfully, shift your focus towards understanding user intent, providing relevant context, and personalising your content. Embrace the change and your business can stay ahead of the curve, leveraging the SEO benefits of more customers and more sales. 

Remember, the goal is not just to rank higher on search engine results pages but to provide value for your audience and create meaningful connections. 

Still have more questions?

Keep scrolling to find a comprehensive list of FAQs.

If the FAQs don't quite cut it, then drop me an email and I'll be more than happy to answer your queries/give advice (hello@mondayclicks.co.uk).

Google's Search Generative Experience FAQ's

Will this affect my website's current ranking?

Google's Search Generative Experience could potentially impact your website's ranking. However, if your website is already optimised for SEO and provides valuable, relevant content, the impact may be minimal. The key is to continue improving your SEO strategy and focus on user intent.

Does this mean keywords are no longer important?

Keywords will still play a crucial role in SEO, but their usage will need to be more strategic. Rather than focusing on keyword density, the emphasis will be on how well those keywords match user intent and how effectively they're incorporated into meaningful, valuable content.

What is the role of artificial intelligence in this new search experience?

Artificial intelligence plays a significant part in Google's Search Generative Experience. It helps the search engine understand user queries better and deliver more accurate and personalised results. It also helps Google understand the context, meaning, and nuances of content, making it more effective at matching users with the information they're seeking.

How will this impact local SEO?

Local SEO will continue to be important. You should ensure your local listings are accurate and complete, and consistently generating positive reviews. With the new emphasis on user intent, it will also be crucial to provide localised content that directly addresses the needs and queries of local customers.

Will this make SEO more competitive?

The changes brought about by Google's Search Generative Experience could potentially make SEO more competitive. Businesses will need to elevate their SEO strategies to stand out and ensure their content directly meets user intent. However, those who can adapt and provide the most relevant and valuable content will have the opportunity to thrive.

Can I still use traditional SEO tools?

Traditional SEO tools will remain valuable for monitoring your website's performance, tracking keywords, analyzing backlinks, and more. However, it will be essential to use these tools in conjunction with a thorough understanding of your audience and a focus on creating high-quality, relevant content.

Get in touch to see how our SEO & Copywriting company can increase your website's traffic, customer engagement, and online sales.

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