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Emma Forbes 1
Account Director + Copy Editor

Emma Forbes

Emma Forbes has two decades of experience working in a variety of marketing, PR and copywriting roles. Having founded her own food brand in her career and becoming a qualified life coach, Emma knows first-hand what content and conversation makes an audience feel empathy to sit up and listen. A really valued member of the team Emma ensures content is created and published to a high-standard and on time.

More about Emma
More about Emma
Q&A with Emma.

How did you get into digital marketing/copywriting?

I went to school at a time when careers advice was a quick chat with a teacher pretending to be a careers adviser. I was told I was good with words and expressed myself well, and there started my PR journey. It has been a long and circuitous route to get to where I am today, with deviations into other industries along the way, but copywriting has remained a constant in all of those roles. 

I love delving into language – something that was really sparked when training to teach English as a foreign language before moving abroad in my early twenties and then becoming fluent in a second language – having to pick apart and understand how a language is constructed, the grammar, the idioms. It still excites me today and boring as it may sound, one of my favourite hobbies is reading.

What’s the best thing about your job?

It allows me to focus on the two jobs I love - copywriting and life coaching. The flexibility is perfect to fit both into my working week. I also love the people I work with; they make the job interesting and enjoyable.

Is there a highlight in your career so far?

There are a few highlights. Running my own businesses has been a pleasure and a pain! But, getting an industry award for one of my food products felt great. It also makes you proud to see a full page article that you have written for clients in the broadsheets. Equally, knowing that a client loves the work you have produced, which perfectly responds to the brief, gives you a buzz, no matter how big or small the client.

What's your favourite aspect about working at Monday Clicks?

What I have learnt over the years is that people make the job. Working with people you like, work well with and respect is always a winning formula. Monday Clicks ticks all those boxes and more.


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