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Client Services Director

Amy Sanchez

Amy's background in sales and marketing really gives her the edge when it comes to helping clients make a difference to their bottom line. A super-smart strategist who keeps customer experience at the heart of everything she does, our clients love working with Amy and tackling their challenges as one team.

More about Amy
More about Amy
Q&A with Amy.

How did you get into digital marketing?

When working in sales in my twenties, I started to work closely with the internal marketing team to make sure we had supporting materials that were consistent with our enterprise level sales objectives. From here I set up a cross sales and marketing task force and enjoyed the marketing piece so much that I moved across to do it full time!

This then catapulted my move to the agency world where I worked as both Account Director and Marketing Director, overseeing digital marketing and communication projects. As I was accountable for client projects and budgets I was all about the data and what I love about digital marketing is that you get to be creative but there's always insight to show exactly what's working - and more importantly what's not.

What's the best thing about your job?

I studied creative writing and copywriting at University so I've always loved great content, it never gets boring to me. I love that we're flexible enough as a business to come up with new ideas and techniques to deliver great work for our clients. I also get to work with experts in their field and am constantly picking up new pieces of knowledge.

What's your career highlight to date?

I've worked on some amazing projects with some big brand names across my career, but I think I'm lucky to be in the highlight right now. I love where I work, the people I work with and what I do, and for me that's the ultimate goal.

What's your favourite aspect about working at Monday Clicks?

It's definitely the people I work with. We're all here for the same reason, we enjoy what we do and we're here to support each other. Monday Clicks has such a lovely community feel about it.


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