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Chris Coussons 2
SEO + PPC Expert

Chris Coussons

Chris is most definitely the 'stats man'. Data crunching is what he does best and he uses these insights to develop stellar SEO and PPC strategies.

More about Chris.
More about Chris.
Q&A with Chris.

How did you get into digital marketing?

I began by trying to create my own ecommerce store when I was 19, and studying marketing in University. I fell in love with the process, the data, analytics and solving difficult problems.

What's the best thing about your job?

Seeing the impact of work I have done, and being able to directly attribute that to the ideas I've had. I love success which is objective and measurable.

Is there a highlight in your career so far?

Not a single highlight, but there's nothing better than watching and helping a company grow from a start-up to a large business. When a client believes in you, and then you get to reward that with results, there's no better feeling.

What's your favourite aspect about working at Monday Clicks?

I love being on a team that gets results. Seeing the impact of the team's work, knowing we are all pushing towards the same goal until we get the result, is amazing. It's truly a team effort and although we're mostly remote, I believe there's a great atmosphere within the team.


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